Thursday, September 30, 2010

From Bulgaria

Day 98 - My newest postcard from Postcrossing!  This one is from Bulgaria.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Getting creative

Day 97 - Baby gets creative at the art desk.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Day 96 - Sadly, it is not the Shredder from TMNT.  :(  But it does kick some serious paper butt!  I'm a's ok, I already know.

I got a shredder for my home office today.  It's the same one I use at the office.  It just makes the office seem that much more "formal".  Plus it creates stuff to use in the fireplace.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Bugs Bunny

Day 95 - I love watching cartoons I grew up on with my girls.  Today was all about Bugs and Marvin.  They still make me smile.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

ANOTHER Princess party!

Day 94 - Monkey had another Princess party to attend today.  This time it was at the party place in the mall and they had tea with Cinderella.  Parents were not really invited - so I took the 2 hour time period to browse the mall.  Sounds like a good time to me!  haha

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Girly me

Day 93 - I became a girl today...I had my hair cut, coloured (for the first time!) and even got bangs again.  Oh, and I got my eyebrows done too!  Who am I?!

Friday, September 24, 2010


Day 92 - **EDIT** Mr. Penguin was not happy with the sleeping shot of him will now be going in my personal scrapbook to love for all time.  ;)

Here is a canvas that hangs in our bathroom.  I thought it was fitting as a replacement shot.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

From Finland

Day 91 - My first postcard from postcrossing!  It's from Finland.  I'm going to start a scrapbook!!  I can't wait to get my next one.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Day 90 - I'm not sure you can see it in the photo...but this is a shot of a worker up on a hoist working on the electrical lines - smoking.  Seriously?  I live in Quebec, the LAND of smokers, but there is a time and place.  ON the job site, WORKING on electrical issues and while wearing a UNIFORM are not any of them.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Day 89 - I drive by a factory-made model home location sometimes.  I love the newest model they've put out recently.  Today I had an hour to I went to look inside it. 


I LOVE it now.  If I had the money today, I'd be selling our current home, buying a piece of land and plunking this baby on it!  It has exposed beams, double patio doors and is open concept.  With only two bedrooms the girls would have to share.  But it's a room that is a 1/3 of the upstairs! 

One can dream...

Monday, September 20, 2010


Day 88 - Sisters on a slide!  Monkey brought her little sister down a few times to show her what getting to be a big girl has to offer.  It was too cute.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Day 87 - The new TV arrived earlier this week.  Mr. Penguin got an AWESOME deal on a flat screen.  He mounted it yesterday and we watched a movie into the night.

This morning baby and I tested it out on "Pride and Prejudice".  I think I'm really going to like this TV.  And playing MarioKart on it is awesome too.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Look alike?

Day 86 - Baby and Daddy.  My family (minus Monkey who is at her Dad's house this week).

Friday, September 17, 2010


Day 85 - Daycare is closed due to too many kids being sick.  They are taking the day to disinfect every toy and surface to prevent others from getting sick.  Which means I am home with baby until Mr. Penguin get back from his university lab. 

Baby is sick.  And boy, does she have Atti-TUDE!  Look at that face!  Hehe...I love it.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Happiness Project

Day 84 - My new (and cheaper) book arrived today!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wii for kids!

Day 83 - We went to Costco to get a wall mount for our new flat screen TV.  While there, we found THIS!  How cute is that?  It's a Wii controller that is made for smaller hands with easier buttons!!  Love it.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Day 82 - We had an open house at Monkey's school tonight.  We got to see her desk and some of her art work.  It was so cute.

We also got our Scholastic book order forms!  I have a bunch already picked out for Monkey's Xmas presents.  I love books - and luckily, Monkey does too.

Monday, September 13, 2010


Day 81 - Baby hiding between the two couches playing.  LOL

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Day 80 - Lazy morning around the house followed by errands with the girls and Mr. Penguin.  We hit IKEA, Costco and Home Depot.  Not much else to tell!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Lots of little fairies

Day 79 - Monkey went to a fairy birthday party today.  It was BEYOND cute.  All the girls (age 3-5) got to pick a fairy dress, flower crown, wand and some wings to wear.  Then they got to have their faces painted and play some games.  It was adorable and my little girl got to see some of her daycare friends she hasn't seen since starting school.

Then we had pizza and veggies and some cake and came home for a well deserved nap.  Happy Saturday!

Friday, September 10, 2010


Day 78 - The girls and I tried the other pack of fish I bought tonight.  It was very yummy!  I will definitely be getting more.  The baby couldn't shovel it in fast enough. 

Yay for healthiness!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Not new or exciting

Day 77 - Work was insane.  The End.  Goodnight.  Zzzzzzzzzzz

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Fridge Art

Day 76 - I got a new picture for my fridge today!  Monkey made it for me while she was at school.  There's a sun on the right side and rain up top in the middle.  I love homemade art work.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

No more storms

Day 75 - Monkey is afraid of storms.  We had a thunder and lightning and lots of rain type storm around supper time.  After getting in her pj's and brushing her teeth she snuggled up beside me and baby on the couch and buried her face...and then fell asleep. 

Too cute.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Baby face

Day 74 - Baby seems to enjoy camping.  She scooted along in the dirt, yelled into the trees and slept through the nights.  I think the trips next year will be more fun for her.  With not yet having the ability to walk and her extreme curiosity, she just couldn't do the things she wanted to do or be in the places she wanted to be in.  But she had fun with her little friend and quite liked napping in the hammock and snuggling by the fire.  Overall the weekend was a success!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Camp fire

Day 73 - We arrived a day late, but we finally arrived!  Camping with friends for the long weekend.  Let the relaxing begin!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Morning tea

Day 72 - The baby is napping, Mr. Penguin is napping (he worked all through the night) and I am finishing up the packing.  Time for morning tea.

This plaque hangs above my stove.  A beautiful gift from my in-laws.  It makes me smile while I make my tea.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Not camping

Day 71 - Mr. Penguin isn't done one of his contracts, so we can't head out to camp yet.  Packing up all the food and gear is a lot of work!  Especially since this is our first camping trip of the year.  So much to wash and pack and clean...I'm looking forward to just being out there and relaxing for a few days.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

My man

Day 70 - Mr. Penguin started back at school today.  He has gone back to complete his second degree.  I am so very proud of him!

This photo was taken at my favorite time of day - bedtime.  LOL  No kids, no more house work, nothing.  Just our amazing bed and my husband.  Perfect.

PS - He hates his picture taken.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Camping "food"

Day 69 - Mr. Penguin wanted beans for our camping trip this weekend.  Since I don't care for them and they are for him alone, I got him the maple kind - as I don't like maple either.

Maybe I should get him his own tent too...