Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Day 129 - My babies in their Halloween costumes.  Aren't they cute?

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Day 128 - Snow, seriously??!  It's October for crying out loud.  Yuck.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Blondes have more fun?

Day 127 - Today a t work some of us dressed up a little bit.  I now have an excuse for my "moments"!!  I'm not sure blondes have more fun...but I'm sure if I showed some leg on the questionable street corner I work on, I could make some money!  LOL

Thursday, October 28, 2010

No wake-y

Day 126 - Baby did not want to get up this morning...I turned on the lights, called her name...nothing.  When sleep is good, you stretch it out as long as possible!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Beautiful morning

Day 125 - My drive in this morning...sunshine, fall trees and a nice view.  Life is good.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Day 124 - I love grocery days.  I always buy tomatoes and bruschetta seasonings and get a fresh loaf of bread.  Once the kids are in bed, I make up the entire loaf for supper (sometimes I even share with Mr. Penguin!)  I meant to take a picture of the awesomeness of it all...but it was gone too fast.  This is the empty pan.  NOM NOM

Monday, October 25, 2010

Sleep deprived

Day 123 - I need sleep.  Such a busy weekend!  It was great and I cannot wait to go back again - we're planning for New Years with both kids.  Here's a shot of me in my sleepiness and also my new red glasses I never posted.  Goodnight!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

I cried today

Day 122 - We're back home for the weekend.  We've been driving around every afternoon, checking out the fall leaves and talking about which neighborhoods we want to live in and what kind of house we want.  We can't move back for a long time as I share custody of my Monkey with her father.  It made me cry today that I can't give my babies the life I want for them or for me.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Hot Date

(Photo taken by a friend)

Day 121 - Mr. Penguin and I had a hot date tonight!  We attended a friend's wedding and got to slow dance and snuggle and talk without any kids around.  It was perfect.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Homeward Bound

Day 120 - We're headed home for the weekend!  We have a wedding to attend and took the opportunity to visit where we eventually want our small family to end up living again.  I am so excited!!  This is my view from the sky (we chose to fly as we're only home for 3 days) - clouds anyone?

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Walmart horses

Day 119 - We stopped by Walmart for some things and the girls had some fun on the horses on the way out.  I'm not allowed to turn it on, but they love sitting on the horses and pretending.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

From Russia

Day 118 - I'm still home sick...but I got another post card!  This one is from Russia.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sister love

Day 117 - I am home from work still.  I went in to pick up a few things, delegate some of my work load and then return home to nap.  I'm posting my favorite moment from last night.  We picked up Monkey from school for her week home with was thrilled.  She LOVES her sister.  Too cute.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Being sick is expensive!

Day 116 - Being sick is expensive!  I went to the clinic this morning...$64.00  Then I required antibiotics (along with lots of rest and plenty of fluids)...$79!!  For 20 pills!!  Man, I miss our drug plan.  This year has been EXPENSIVE.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Happy 1 year!

Day 115 - It's our 1 year wedding anniversary!  We took a steam train ride - complete with breakfast - out to the country, walked around a cute, little town, held hands, was perfect.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Day 114 - Monkey got these coloured "hair extensions" in a party bag last month.  Baby keeps finding them and insisting I put them in my hair.  This is me all dolled up for my anniversary date night with Mr. Penguin...I'm cool, no?  I took them out before we left the driveway.  LOL  But I may have to wear them to work one day!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Monkey's Passport

Day 113 - I don't have a passport, Mr. Penguin doesn't have a passport, not even baby has a passport.  BUT!  Monkey's passport arrived in the mail today.  She has a trip with her father in January that requires it.  Lucky little thing!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

School photos!

Day 112 - I picked up Monkey's school photo package today!  I am currently trying to log in to see all of the background options...she's so cute!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

From Poland

Day 111 - I haven't really gotten out of my pajamas for days...sleep, water and some movies to keep me sane have occupied my days.

I got a lovely postcard from Poland today!  I find the stamps and post markings so beautiful.  I'm trying to figure out a way to put my cards into a scrapbook that will allow me to see both sides...I'm really liking this part of my 101/1001 list.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

From Norway

Day 110 - Still sick and home from work...but I got a postcard!  This one is from Norway.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Baby checks email

Day 109 - Baby checks her morning emails.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Still sick

Day 108 - I'm still severely sick.  We missed Thanksgiving Dinner with my family.  Boo.  We managed to drive over to deliver the pump for the blow-up mattress though.  And we got our left overs in the process!  It's the highlight of my day.

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Day 107 - We're all sick at the Penguin household...HAPPY THANKSGIVING!  :P  I'm outfitted in my sweat pants and sweat shirt, the babies are still in their pj's and Mr. Penguin is still sleeping.  There will be lots of naps and movies for today.

This shot was taken last night of my babies.  Monkey was trying to soothe Baby as we were out past our usual bedtimes.  My girls are too cute together.

Friday, October 8, 2010

From Germany

Day 106 - My latest postcard from Postcrossing is from Germany.  It is my current favorite...I wonder why?!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Eating at the table

Day 105 - Baby got a booster seat and is now out of her high chair.  She now gets to sit beside her sister and terrorize play with her.  Aren't they sweet?  hehe

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

From USA

Day 104 - Today I received my 3rd postcard from Postcrossing!  This one is from Washington in the USA.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My 2 darlings

Day 103 - It was a good evening.  We went groceries, the girls had a bath and then we snuggled and watch Bugs Bunny before bed.  There was little fighting, no fits and lots of laughs.  I love my babies.  <3

Monday, October 4, 2010

Blue skies

Day 102 - My view on the way into work this morning.  This moment was completed with music from our wedding on my iPod, lemon ginger tea and a huge relaxed smile on my face.  Fall mornings are great.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

100% unknown

Day 101 - We slept in today (even baby!) and had brunch at Cora's, I tried the Ben & Dictine breakfast with asparagus and Swiss cheese.  YUM!  I did not take any photos of it though.  :(

I have however, been laughing about the above all day.  We went to Walmart last night and I found this in the craft section.  Who wants a sweater made from an unknown fibre?!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Orange purse

Day 100 - Fall is here!  I set out today to run some errands with baby to take advantage of the sunny - but cool - weather we are having.  I loaded up my "big purse" with my standard stuff: wallet, keys, cell phone and all of the baby essentials and headed out.  I love my orange purse.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Maple bush

Day 99 - It's FRIDAY!  I am so happy for the weekend!!  To add to the loveliness of it being the last working day, I enjoyed a wonderful fall drive home.  The leaves are changing around here!  It is my favorite time of year.

This is our maple bush on the front lawn.  It has a red leaf!!